Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Matt: Day 20...Still Here

Well, we had some more good news today! The results from Matt's liver biopsy came in, and it looks like it was medicine induced. They are blaming it one the doxycycline (antibiotic) that he took both 4 weeks ago for the original infection on his leg and while he was here in the hospital. They are adding it, and some other closely related antibiotics, to his allergy list. The good news about that is that this was a one-time thing, he should get better quickly, and we should NEVER have to deal with this again! It is so crazy to me to think that one little container of pills could cause so much pain and grief for a person for so long! But, I don't think we could have asked for better results from the biopsy! We did get an answer AND it was a good one! I can't help but think that the hundreds and thousands of prayers that have been said for him over the last 20 days had something to do with that! There is no way we can ever repay every single one of you for every single prayer that was said, but we can definitely pay it forward! And, you can be sure that I will be doing that every single day!

They did finally come and get him for his MRI, but not until 5:00. He was down there for 2 1/2 hours! The first machine got messed up while they were doing the test, so they had to move him to a different one and start over. Needless to say, we won't get the results tonight. But, we should get them in the morning...which means we should be headed home in the morning!!! Of course, I am assuming that the MRI is clear, but I am feeling very optimistic tonight! We are having this trend of good news, and I feel like it's going to continue!

But...just to be on the safe side...please continue to pray for Matt! I know I am! We are almost out of the woods, but not quite. Every prayer is heard, and we can still use a few more! (Oh...and I'm pretty sure I will continue asking for them once we are home while he is recovering, too!!) But for now, we will take prayers for a clear MRI and a drive back to Arlington tomorrow!

I really can't explain what I am feeling right now. I have been sitting in this chair/bed (if you've had to stay in a hospital, you know what I'm talking about!) for 20 days now, watching my partner in life suffer. The whole time I have felt completely helpless and unable to do anything to help him. I have ridden an emotional roller coaster that makes the Texas Giant look like a merry-go-round. But, what I am realizing now, and what I think I really knew all along, is that I really was not helpless. I really was able to do something to help him. In fact, I had the most important job of all, even more important that the doctors who were treating him. My job was to keep God involved. I prayed every day (many, many times). I asked all of you to pray every day (many, many times). And, I kept encouraging Matt to put his trust in God and His plan as it was unfolding every day (many, many times). When that reality hit me today, I was a little overwhelmed! I have felt God in this room with us all along, but today it was like he wrapped his arms around me and said, "See, I told you I was really here!" I know the MRI may still show something bad, but it's OK if it does. I'm ready for whatever tomorrow brings!


  1. You are ready Stephanie!

  2. So happy to hear the good news! Still praying that y'all will be home from Christmas. Jennifer
