Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dancing in the Rain

I have a new motto..."Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain."

I think it is safe to say that Matt and I would be waiting forever if we just sat back and waited for the storms to pass. Every time we think the rain is letting up, a new storm moves in. Sometimes it is just a light shower and sometimes it's an F5 tornado. Sometimes the rain lasts a day and sometimes it lasts for months or years. But, I am really starting to believe that it never actually stops. When you let yourself actually stop and think about it, it can be really depressing. I mean, rain every single day of your life? Maybe the people in Seattle are OK with that, but here in North Texas...not so much!  :) But...you know...it really doesn't bother me. In fact, I think it's a good thing! (This would be the point at which Matt would refer to me as his "glass-is-half-full" girl!!) Let me explain...

I honestly believe that every challenge God lays before us has a purpose. He may be trying to teach us something. He may be trying to develop a characteristic in us that is weak. He may be trying to lessen a characteristic in us that is too strong. He may be trying to prepare us for something we will face in the future. But, no matter what He is trying to do, it will make us better. If we gain the right things from a challenge, we become stonger, better people who are better prepared for what lies ahead. When you look at difficult times this way, it completely changes the game. At least for me, it can make difficult times a little easier, and can bring some sensibility to situations that seem senseless otherwise. Lots of people sit back, feel sorry for themselves, and continuously ask God why He is doing this to them. I say those are the people who miss the lesson entirely. And...guess what...if you don't learn it the first time, He's going to give you another opportunity to learn it!!

Unfortunately, we have a new storm raging. We still have Matt's health to deal with (still needing prayers). We are still staring down the barrel of some pretty substantial financial challenges (more prayers, please) And, now we have some very emotional things going on with our oldest daughter and Matt's family (really needing prayers!). With all of this going on, it seems pretty obvious to me that we have two choices right now:
#1) Complain about how horrible things are. Stress about each situation despite the fact that we have no control over any of them. Allow the negativity to invade our lives and overshadow all of the good things that are going on.
#2) Do what we can to make the most positive impact possible on each situation. Look for the lesson we are supposed to be learning. Then turn the rest of it over to God, and use all that extra time and energy to practice our rain dancing!

I don't know about you, but the choice is easy for me! I have gotten pretty good at letting God do my worrying for me lately! (My husband still needs some work in that department!) Ultimately, He is the one controlling the outcome anyway, right? So, it really is His worry in the first place. For me to worry about it would be pointless because it won't effect anything that is going to happen. It will only make me (and everyone else around me!) really miserable in the meantime.

I wish I could say that my outlook meant that difficult situations didn't upset me, but I'd be a liar if I did. Of course I get upset. In fact, the recent events in our lives have made me so emotional that I cried three times tonight when we were watching, "We Bought a Zoo." (I know, I know...completely dorky!!) But, the difference is, I don't let the negative emotions consume me. I deal with them, give them to God...and then, I dance!! Please say a prayer that my dancing shoes don't get worn out!!


  1. I am so thankful for your postings. We are going through some stuff as well and just reading how you are able to let go and let God has been very encouraging to me and is helping me to do the same.
    I think I'm with Matt on that one but I'm learning.
    I will continue to keep you and yours in my prayers; keep the posts coming.
    Beth Jenkins

  2. Shoe supply will always be there Stephanie, because of your faith. God Bless
