Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Let the Blog Begin....

For the past 19 days, I have been posting daily updates on Matt's hospitalization to my Facebook, his Facebook, and via a group email to our Sunday school class. I have done this for several reasons. The first and most obvious reason is to keep everyone updated on his health and what is happening as we go through this ordeal. The second reason is to elicit prayers for him from as many people as I can. The third, and not so obvious, reason is that it really is somewhat therapeutic for me. Every day I spend about half an hour organizing my thoughts and emotions from the previous 24 hours. I lay it out there for everyone to see. In some strange way, it makes me feel better to get it out like that. And I guess I could keep doing that...posting the updates 3 different ways each day. In fact I probably still will. The process isn't difficult...all I do is type it once, then copy and paste it twice. But, today I got a very touching email from one of the sweet ladies on the Sunday school email list. She thanked me for my daily updates, but then proceeded to tell me how MY words are inspirational to HER. She suggested that if I hadn't started blogging already, I should. I really hadn't thought about it before that to be honest. But, that's really what I have been doing anyway...just not on a "blog." So, here I am setting up my first blog.

So, I'm going to start posting my daily updates here...Praise in the Storm. One of my very favorite songs in the world is "Praise You in This Storm" by Casting Crowns. The lyrics have carried me through a ton of difficult situations. In fact, I can barely listen to it without tearing up. But, over the last 19 days, this song has become closer to my heart than ever before. If we are not in the middle of a storm now, I don't know when we will ever be. Nineteen days in the hospital with no diagnosis and symptoms that won't go away could destroy just about anyone. But, I am NOT just anyone! Even though the storm continues to rage, I continue to praise the God who is in control of the storm, knowing that He is the only one who can stop it. I sing different parts of the song to myself off and on throughout every day that we are here. It seems to be in my head 24/7! It is just that constant reminder to me that I am not alone. He is with me every step of the way, and I continue to praise Him for it! So, I guess I couldn't think of a more fitting name for this blog.

Posting about Matt, his hospitalization, and (hopefully soon) his recovery will continue to serve the 3 purposes for me that it has all along. But, now I have a 4th one that has been there all along, too. I just didn't realize it. Hopefully, the things I post will continue to touch the people who read them as well!


  1. Great job Stephanie! Thinking of you guys and keeping you in my prayers, not just now but always. Love you guys, Amy

  2. Great job Sensei Stephanie. Still keeping Master, you, and your family in my prayers over here in Japan.
