Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Matt: Day 14

Well, I'm not gonna lie. Today has been a little hard. We did get some results back today that are steering the ship a little differently than before. They noticed that Matt's liver enzymes have been steadily increasing since we got here, which indicates something is going on there. We also found out his ANA test was positive, which indicates there could be some kind of autoimmune something going on. So, we now have a team of liver specialists and a rheumatology team involved. They are looking at a whole new set of possible disorders/viruses. Hopefully the additional lab work will provide some answers. But, in the meantime, we are NOT going home. They need to keep an eye on his liver enzymes to see if they keep going up before they just send him home.

He isn't feeling any better than yesterday either. In fact, last night was rough, too. He ran a fever for awhile, and his abdominal pain was bothering him a lot. He had a hard time sleeping because of it. He's been OK today, but on the heels of finding out all the new news today, his spirits haven't been as up as they were yesterday.

So, what's my outlook on all of this? I did start to get upset when all of this new news came in. But, I am praying a lot and trying my best to turn all of this over to God. I mean, after all, it is completely in His hands anyway! We asked for answers, and we are starting to get some. Even though they may turn out to be different than the answers we had hoped for, they are answers. I'm staying positive, and finding some comfort in my faith that God does know what He is doing!

Please keep us in your prayers! We do still want the answers to all of this, and we definitely want them to be able to make Matt feel better! And, now that we are only 10 days away from Christmas, a whole new set of worries start creeping up. (Like the fact that all of our Christmas decorations are still boxed in the garage, and I haven't bought on single present yet!) I know those are just minor details in the big picture, but will be a huge deal to my kids, and are definitely worth mentioning!

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