Sunday, February 26, 2012

Prayers for Chelsea I am again, asking for prayers. This time they are for Chelsea. She has been sick since last Sunday. She picked up a stomach virus from her little sister last weekend while visiting her dad. She started throwing up Sunday evening after she got home. She stopped throwing up Monday evening, but was still feeling nauseated, weak, dizzy, and had a pretty bad headache. These all persisted the whole week. In fact, she didn't go to school at all last week, which is VERY unusual for her! I took her to the doctor Friday after school. He said she was severly dehydrated from being sick earlier in the week, and that the dehydration was probably causing all of her symptoms. He told me to make sure she was drinking at least 3 liters of Pedialyte a day and also wanted her to take a probiotic medicine 3 times a day. He really thought she would be feeling better as soon as yesterday, and that she would probably be getting close to normal by today.

So, I have been shoving Pedialyte down her like there's no tomorrow, and she has been taking the probiotic stuff, too. But, she hasn't gotten any better. She is so weak and tired, all she can do is just lay in bed. She did get up and go to church with us this morning, but you could just tell how miserable she was by looking at her. Tonight I let the doctor know she wasn't any better, and he wants to see her again tomorrow to do some lab work. I was planning on making the appointment as late as possible since I now get docked every time I take off, but about 30 minutes ago, she let me know that she is now having chest pains. So, if we make it through the night without having to go to the ER, I think I'm opting for the earliest appointment I can get, and I'll just deal with getting docked!

I'm really worried about her. This just isn't like her. She is normally such a healthy person! She NEVER gets sick. But, whatever is going on right now has completely thrown her for a loop. I am praying that it is something simple and easily treated. But, I also know from recent experiences, that you never know what is around the corner. I don't really think it's going to be anything major, but I am mentally and emotionally preparing myself...just in case it is. I think I am just not distanced enough from Matt's whole ordeal yet to be completely at ease right now. Looks like Momma probably won't be getting much sleep tonight...

Please add Chelsea to your prayer list! Pray for God's healing hands to wrap around her and help her get better. Pray for the doctor who is caring for her to have the wisdom to make the right diagnosis. And, pray that no one else in my family gets whatever it is that she has.

It is on days like this that I am so extremely thankful that I serve such an amazing God! I know He has a plan, and whatever that plan may be, we will be ready for it. Whether this is something big or something small, God will get us through it and help Chelsea get better!!

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