Sunday, February 26, 2012

Prayers for Chelsea I am again, asking for prayers. This time they are for Chelsea. She has been sick since last Sunday. She picked up a stomach virus from her little sister last weekend while visiting her dad. She started throwing up Sunday evening after she got home. She stopped throwing up Monday evening, but was still feeling nauseated, weak, dizzy, and had a pretty bad headache. These all persisted the whole week. In fact, she didn't go to school at all last week, which is VERY unusual for her! I took her to the doctor Friday after school. He said she was severly dehydrated from being sick earlier in the week, and that the dehydration was probably causing all of her symptoms. He told me to make sure she was drinking at least 3 liters of Pedialyte a day and also wanted her to take a probiotic medicine 3 times a day. He really thought she would be feeling better as soon as yesterday, and that she would probably be getting close to normal by today.

So, I have been shoving Pedialyte down her like there's no tomorrow, and she has been taking the probiotic stuff, too. But, she hasn't gotten any better. She is so weak and tired, all she can do is just lay in bed. She did get up and go to church with us this morning, but you could just tell how miserable she was by looking at her. Tonight I let the doctor know she wasn't any better, and he wants to see her again tomorrow to do some lab work. I was planning on making the appointment as late as possible since I now get docked every time I take off, but about 30 minutes ago, she let me know that she is now having chest pains. So, if we make it through the night without having to go to the ER, I think I'm opting for the earliest appointment I can get, and I'll just deal with getting docked!

I'm really worried about her. This just isn't like her. She is normally such a healthy person! She NEVER gets sick. But, whatever is going on right now has completely thrown her for a loop. I am praying that it is something simple and easily treated. But, I also know from recent experiences, that you never know what is around the corner. I don't really think it's going to be anything major, but I am mentally and emotionally preparing myself...just in case it is. I think I am just not distanced enough from Matt's whole ordeal yet to be completely at ease right now. Looks like Momma probably won't be getting much sleep tonight...

Please add Chelsea to your prayer list! Pray for God's healing hands to wrap around her and help her get better. Pray for the doctor who is caring for her to have the wisdom to make the right diagnosis. And, pray that no one else in my family gets whatever it is that she has.

It is on days like this that I am so extremely thankful that I serve such an amazing God! I know He has a plan, and whatever that plan may be, we will be ready for it. Whether this is something big or something small, God will get us through it and help Chelsea get better!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

My "Ah-Ha" Moment!!

So, I had a major "ah-ha" moment at church yesterday that I really want to share!

In Sunday school, we started a new book study using the book, "The Prodigal God." It takes a really close look at The Parable of The Lost Son. All we have looked at so far is the video made by the author of the book that introduces the book and its main points. But, the main gist of it is that Jesus wans't only talking about the younger son (who was disobedient and left home) as being lost. He was also talking about the older son being lost as well, because his motivation for being obedient was all wrong. He was using the example to minister to both the sinners and the Pharisees who were listening to him. Everyone needs God's grace and forgiveness just as much as the next person does, and no one is entitled to sit at God's table just because they've done a list of good things here on Earth.

That video led to a very good discussion about several different points, but one in particular really struck me...the part about forgiveness. See, I've really been struggling lately with being able to forgive myself for some really stupid stuff I did when I was younger. (Let's just suffice it to say that high school and college were NOT the brightest points of my life!) And, I think I have also been struggling with truly believing that God could actually forgive me for everything I've done. Matt and I were actually talking about this exact thing when we went to dinner on Valentine's Day, and he made a comment to me that really made me mad at the time. He said, "Steph, if you feel that way, then you haven't truly accepted God's grace yet." Boy, I didn't like that at all! And I thought, "Are you crazy? Of course I have! You don't know what you're talking about!" But, I just finished my dinner pretty much in silence until we went home.

He really got me thinking though. I had been thinking about it all week...until yesterday...when we just happened to be talking about forgiveness in Sunday school. But, my "ah-ha" moment didn't come until after the class was officially over, when Matt and I were continuing the discussion with one of the men in our class. He made a comment that went straight to my heart and soul. He said that once you accept Christ as your Savior and ask God to forgive your sins, you are forgiven, you are saved by His grace, and the person you used to be is gone. You are a completely new person in Him.

This was such a revelation to me! All along I have been beating myself up over things that I did years ago...but, I am not that same person today! I do not need to carry around the guilt for things that another person (one who was extremely lost and not walking with God) did in her blindness and stupidity. The minute I asked Him to forgive those sins and make me His child once again, He did. So...I don't have to forgive myself for the things I did earlier in my life, because that was not the same life I am living now! I guess I've always heard the term "born again," but I finally really understand and embrace the reality of what God's grace does when you are born again!

For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. ~Luke 15:24

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ever Feel Invisible???

Do you ever feel completely and totally invisible? Well...OK...maybe not TOTALLY invisible, but just like the people around you don't truly see you? I know I do sometimes! Especially as a wife and a mom of three very busy kids! Sometimes it just feels like I get shoved into the role of being Mommy, and the person that is Stephanie gets lost somewhere in the shuffle. It can be caused by a million different things...our daily schedule gets too busy, the kids are especially needy, new jobs and new demands place our focus elsewhere, health issues move to the forefront, financial worries take over our converstaions...Well, that covers a few of the million!

I've really been feeling like this lately. For about the last two weeks, I have felt like all I do is go through the motions of taking care of everyone else around me and catering to their needs all day long. And, the really stupid thing is, I think I'm feeling this way for completely selfish reasons. I mean, moms and wives are supposed to be the constant caregivers, right? That's what we do! I don't ever remember telling my mom to go realx while I did the dishes or the laundry, and I surely never spent my days getting things for her, making meals for her, or taking her where she needed to go! But, nevertheless, I still get in these moods every once in awhile...

The good news is that, this time, I've been dealing with it much better. Even though I can feel overworked and under appreciated, I just keep reminding myself of what I'm really here for. I'm not here to gain the approval of those around me. I don't love and care for my family just to get something out of them in return. I take care of them like I do because I love them all SO much! And, I live my life each day to gain the approval (hopefully) of God. Even when I feel like those around me aren't really seeing me at all, I know He is. That's what keeps me going. That's what drives me to be positive in every situation. That's what keeps me praising Him in every situation!

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. ~2 Corinthians 4: 16-18

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Making a ripple...

Friday night, we were so blessed to get to attend the Rock and Worship Road show at the American Airlines Center. It was an amazing night of Christian music that I really hoped would never end! It was completely overwhelming to be in that arena with 18,000 other people, singing and worshiping together! The bands varied from those who play the praise and worship music I listen to every day and sing at church, to hard rock bands, to rappers. But, all of it was phenomenal! And even as good as all the bands were, I think my favorite part, and definitely the most moving part, was when all 18,000 voices from the crowd joined together to sing "Amazing Grace." No background music, no musicians with microphones, no instruments...just voices. Talk about powerful!

Being in that arena and listening to the performers each share their stories made me think about how blessed they all are to have such a huge audience for their ministry. They get to make their living by traveling all over the country singing and sharing the good news of God and Jesus with tens of thousands of people. It reminded me of the analogy of throwing a pebble into the water. The initial splash is only the beginning. Ripples start moving out from that spot. They continue moving outward, and can end up turning into huge waves under the right circumstances. The people who were in that arena all left on such a high! Thousands of ripples started that night and will continue on for a long time to come!

That got me thinking about my little corner of the world. Now, I will never get paid to stand on a stage and me on that one! (My car would totally agree! That's really the only place I actually sing where anyone else would even be able to hear me!!) I may never be able to an impact like the members of those bands do. But, I can make ripples in my own way. Although I can't sing well, I have discovered that I can write! And, I am trying my best to use that gift to share my experiences with God's love in a way that will, hopefully, start some ripples of my own. I can only pray that God uses me to touch someone's life in a way that would have been missed otherwise. Everytime I write, I pray first about what I need to say and how I need to say it. But, I think there's way more to it than just posting a blog entry once a week...

The more I think about it, the more I realize that all of us have opportunities to be pebbles all day long. I think the most important place to do that is with your kids. Lately, I have made a huge effort to talk much more openly with my kids about my relationship with Christ than I ever have before. (And, if that is something you aren't used to doing, it can be really uncomfortable at first!) We also have the chance to start making ripples at work, with friends, on Facebook, and even at church. As a teacher, a huge part of my day is spent searching for every teachable moment. Well, as a Christian, I have started looking for every reachable moment! They are everywhere! If you really take the time to look for them, you'll be amazed at what you see! And, the best part is...the more I share and the more I reach out to others through God, the more blessed and happy I feel myself!

We may not all have the same gifts, but we all do have gifts! And, we can all use the gifts God gave us to make a matter how big or small!

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in it's various forms.  ~1 Peter 4:10

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Awesome Birthday!

I want to start today with an small update as a follow up to the prayer I shared about a week ago. Thank you to every one of you who joined me in praying for that sweet little girl! As of now, my prayer has been answered! A few days after I shared that, we found out that she really wasn't leaving after all! She is still here and, from what we can tell, has been safe since she came back to us! God is so good!! And, I am continuing to pray that He makes himself known to her and her family so that she will continue to be loved, safe, and protected!!!

Over the last few months, a pretty incredible transformation has been occurring in me. I have gone to church my whole life. I have been a Christian my whole life. But, when Matt was in the hospital, something changed in me. It was the first time in my life that I have truly put 100% of my faith and trust in God to get me through something. Sitting in that chair by Matt's side day after day could have destroyed me. But, I made the decision to completely give my fear and worry to God. I think you all know how that situation turned out, but it didn't stop there! Once I made that choice, I got to a point where I felt like I needed as much of God as I could get. So, I started praying every day, several times a day, even if I wasn't in a crisis situation. I started reading the bible every day. I started spending more quiet time with God on a daily basis. I started openly sharing my faith and my experiences with God. And, what I've noticed is that, in the process, God really started to work in me and through me. I have become so much more open to His will and His influence that He is now a part of every minute of my life, even when I am not conciously thinking about it. I've noticed that making Him my first priority, no matter what, has completely transformed my outlook on life, my relationships, my job, and my family....and that is really the main point of what I wanted to share today.

Yesterday was my birthday, and I was completely overwhelmed by the birthday wishes I received, the good friends who helped me celebrate it, and the gifts I received from them and my family. But, I was moved the most by the gifts from my children. Chelsea used almost 2 full weeks of her allowance (leaving her completely broke for the coming week) to buy me several birthday presents. She sent me the most beautiful sunflowers (my favorite) that I have ever seen. And, she gave me two books, both of which have very dominant Christian messages in them. She also gave me a silly card with a very heartfelt handwritten message inside. She is so aware of how important God is in my life, and He is equally important in hers. Blake picked out a bracelet for me that has beautiful crosses on the beads and came with a touching scripture inside the box. I love it! But, the card he picked out blew me away! It is a card you would expect an adult to give to his mom, not a 7-year old little boy! Matt said Blake was reading the cards himself, and that HE picked this one out! I just want to share with you what it said:
"You are an amazing mom. You give yourself so freely, and there's a quiet kindness in the way you do it. You walk in the grace of God with a gentleness that makes those around you feel loved and valued. God has truly given you a special that nurtures, understands, teaches, and loves-not only in words, but by example too. Thanks for everything, Mom-for doing more than you're asked to... for giving more than you need to... and for being all that God has called you to be with such a sweet spirit. '...a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.' Proverbs 31:30"
WOW!!!! It just hit me right between the eyes that my willingness to give God 100% control of my life and to truly work in me and through me has not only blessed me, but is blessing my family as well!! I am awestruck that even my 7-year-old son recognizes and appreciates the work He is doing in me!

I am SO blessed and SO thankful to God for giving such an amazing birthday weekend! God is SO amazing!