Sunday, January 8, 2012

Better News!

So, we definitely got some better news on Friday when Matt went to the doctor! Apparently, he was given the wrong information on Tuesday. His liver enzymes did NOT go up last week! In fact, they went down...a LOT! When the danger zone is 1000+, there is a huge difference between 960 (what they told him) and 382 (what it really was)! The other enzyme is down in the 60's, which is only about 30 away from being normal! The liver doctor was pretty much amazed at how drastically the enzyme levels have come down. He had really thought it would take several months for them to come down to these levels. He said he really couldn't explain it, but that it was awesome! Well, I can explain it! It's not the test results that are is our God that is awesome! He is answering our prayers for healing in one of the most wonderful ways I could have hoped for! If you have been been praying for Matt's health, PLEASE pause right now and say a prayer of thanks to God for starting to heal him!

So, now it seems as if we are mainly battling the clot. There are a few other smaller things going on, but the clot is the big one. We won't know anything more about whether the blood thinners are working or not until about 2 months from now when they do another scan to see if it is gone. We are walking in faith that this clot, just like his liver, will heal in God's time. But, we are also still praying for the clot to heal! Please keep Matt on your prayer list just a little while longer!

The last several weeks have been such a roller coaster ride! We have been up, and we have been down...multiple times. But, one of the highest points through all of this was Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. (If you didn't read about it earlier, you can go back and read the story.) I felt so much love and happiness that weekend. In fact, just thinking about it can bring instant tears to my eyes! And now, I just don't want to let go of that feeling! I think because our Christmas traditions were such a huge part of everything I was feeling during that time, I just can't make myself put the Christmas decorations away! Is that completely silly? I mean, there have been years before when our Christmas stuff was up WAY past Christmas, but that was completely different. Then, it was because I didn't have the time (or didn't make the time) to put everything away. One year, I think our tree was still up at Easter!! (Boy, that was embarrassing to admit!!) But, now it's like...I just want to stay in that moment! I was so completely thankful for the very basic joys in my life. Life just kind of paused for a few days while we all enjoyed each other, feeling completely grateful that God made it possible for Matt to be home, all at the same time that we were celebrating the birth of Jesus.

I didn't even put many decorations out this year. It was pretty much the tree, the stockings, and a few mantle decorations. But, every time I walk through the living room, I see them. I am automatically taken to the memories we made this year...the ones I will NEVER forget! We were on the verge of such a tragedy, but it turned into one of the most perfect holidays we've had. Now that we are getting back into the full daily grind of our lives, I just want to make sure that we remember what it really is all about. I know I can't leave the tree and stocking up forever...well, I guess I could, but then I would turn into that weird lady down the street who keeps her tree up all year and has Christmas lights on in July! But for now, I'm keeping them out. Maybe next weekend I'll put them away...

1 comment:

  1. Christmas is 365 days a year. Its all God's time line. I am so happy for you all. your post bring tears to my eyes and happiness to my heart because of your faith. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers for complete healing. Your faith was tested, God is Blessing you all. Hold on to your faith and to each other. Your friend in Christ...anne
